It is more of a cyclic thing. If you go back into the Archives of thechipboard, you will see that Win Cards interest pops up every 6 or so months. Usually someone will post a message about new chips, followed up by a Newbie asking what Win Cards are. I usually jump in asking for more Win Cards paraphenalia scans to be uploaded to my Win Cards webpage, and sometimes I'll ask for trades.
I've also noted that Don Lueders will kick-off an renewed interest when he posts a message to the effect of, "Hey, this is a new Win Card chip to me, is everyone else aware of it?" Or, "These two Win Cards chips are the same, but have a variation!"
Anyway, it is cyclic and I've not seen the periodic interest have an effect on values, like the cyclic, periodic interest in Borland chips does.
Please feel free to visit the Great Win Cards Up-Load and Refernce Site at:
And my thanks to Wayne Murphy for up-loading the recently released Tuscany chip and Dealer's Tip Coupon Thanks Wayne!
Jim Follis