The following statements formed part of your application to join the club.
"The amount of annual dues is subject to change by the Board of Directors as increased costs and additional services may from time to time require. Change in the dues shall be effective upon approval by the Board of Directors and implemented on a date specified by the Board."
"Life Members: members in good standing who apply, after completion of their third full year of membership for permanent membership status, and whose applications are accompanied by payment of an amount equal to 15 years' dues. Life Members are relieved from paying further annual dues."
Before you argue your "out" is that you read that as being "an amount equal to 15 years' of what the dues were at the time" there is no kangaroo court on this planet that would rule with you on that one
You signed accepting those conditions, as did I and everyone else, including the guy from VA. The rules are the same for everyone. The rules do not imply specific $$.