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The Chip Board Archive 14

There you are grin
In Response To: Re: I Just Bought.. ()

I've been waiting for you, Gene grin
$22 is most reasonable....guess I should go check out the quarter horses as well.
I can even deal with 25 in LV...but this $8 a pack is plain dumb. Then again, it is New York.
I'll drop you a postcard from Paducah vbg

Messages In This Thread

NCR- Smoking Survey...
Yikes!!! I thought my 3.75 was bad!
3.75....which state, please?
Sorry...California. probably won't help...
It's a bit far..but thanx for the info grin
Au contraire, it isn't too far. grin
Merci, mon ami...but you live there grin
$36 $37 a carton in MD.
55.00 a carton.
at least you guys still have cheap gas grin
Here in S.C. "tobacco country"
Marboros $27.00
Re: Marboros $27.00...
Google "Flintstone winston" to view a great old
Re: Google "Flintstone winston" to view a great ol
Re: NCR- Smoking Survey...
Re: NCR- Smoking Survey...
Re: NCR- Smoking Survey...
Re: AHA.....
Thanks Phyllis....
Re: NCR- Smoking Survey...
Re: NCR- Smoking Survey...
I quit when they went to $10 a carton. grin
Funny How YOu Mock the AG Instead of The Gov.
Re: Funny How YOu Mock the AG Instead of The Gov.
0 $$$ In Las Vegas
speaking of which...
$11.50 in Fla
Re: I Just Bought..
There you are grin
Gene: Those are bad for your health sad
Re: Gene: Those are bad for your health sad
Has that been scientifically proven?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg