>>It's time to form the turtle-free club.
Turtle clubs already exist.
>>>No dues to pay...ever
There are no dues. However, they have no problem raising money when necessary via donations, calendar sales, etc.
>>>No magazine or annual convention
Nobody has expressed interest in a magazine (which would generally be considered bedding). Articles are published and put online for free. Travel is not good for them.
>>>of course; and the only pledge you have to take is to promise never to eat turtle soup.
You are free to eat soup if you so desire.
>>>clique might form
The club has members of all ages (some very young) and not once has anyone posted a picture of someone on a horses ass.
Thank you for your interest. Turtles have survived for millions of years and now need our help if they are to continue.
Turtle Fact ...
Even in captivity, this box turtle will outlive most of you.