I have belonged to many organizations that require dues to be paid. Everytime a dues increase is mentioned there is hysteria about the cost. Usually the most able to pay are whining the loudest.
Most organizations get by on a shoestring from dues and they are set at a minimal level. It just always amazes me that most would spend more on a round of drinks than they will spend for membership in an organization they have chose to join for whatever reason.
THE CCGTCC dues of a lousy $20.00 a year or LTM of $350.00 should have been raised eons ago. What do you folks expect for your lousy $20.00..You get a National Award Winning Magazine published 4 times a year. That alone is worth the price of membership. You get a great convention for a $10.00 registration fee. (Sometimes you have to walk a 1/2 mile to the bathroom but I have got over that. I'll just pretend to look at Rick Olsen's drink glasses and fill them up...No not really, but a thought.)
You get friendship, knowledge, and lots more.
Just one man's opinion...Pay the dues increase and quit whining. This is an incredible organization that provides you with much for very little. Appreciate it and cough it up.
My other observation...It does not appear to me that too many are spending the grocery money to collect or maintain a membership.
There hasn't been a dues increase in 10 years...It is way overdue and probably should have been more than the Board proposed...again just one man's opinion.
Have a great weekend.