Hi there. I thought I would post a note here about a new project involving collectibles. I have been a collector of chips for 18 years now and know many of you from past shows and dealings although I have been somewhat inactive for the last few years. In addition to my "day" job and doing hosting as well, I have recently put together a website structured to be like a shopping mall where people can setup stores and sell their items and buyers can go to one location for an assortment of collectible items. the URL is http://collectorsshoppingmall.com and it is almost complete. I am looking for a few individuals to help populate the store with a few shops so there is something there in the beginning for buyers to visit. The deal would be free "rent" until the end of August then signing up for the monthly fee would be available to continue maintaining the shop in the mall. The shops are osCommerce with some modifications to provide the community aspects of a shopping venue.
Setting up a shop is done through an administration panel for each user. You make your own categories and upload your images to the store. I'm looking for other types of collectible shops (sports, coins & stamps, etc.) besides one or two casino oriented shops for the initial opening. Send an email or use the contact button at the site if you are interested. Thanks for your time.