I reallllllly hope I do make it....My honey is supposed to come out here in a couple of weeks...this time to "get me" and for me to finally make the big move to Malibu....She wants to spend a month in Florida checking out the place...That's fine with me...."BUT"...I know her and I know once she gets hit with a day or two of our heat and humidity....she'll want out of here fast. All I can do is hope for the kind or weather we are having now to last for awhile longer. If all goes well, we will still be here for the Tampa get together and we will be there.
Also, she may not get here for awhile longer than 2 weeks....depends on her health. But I sure hope I get there, I'd love to meet you and Ellen and the other Florida collectors. And even if I do make this move, I'll keep the house here because my kids and parents and sisters still live here or in the area.....so I'll be bouncing back and forth....I'll be a snowbird....LOL!!