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The Chip Board Archive 14

Contest O the day grin

Ok here it is. You dont have to be very smart for this one however dinking may put ya at a disadvantage. I may dare to say this could be the dumbest contest to date rofl but its all about FUN! grin
ccgtcc only
Prize: one set of 5 Stardancer chips! ($1,$2,50,$5,$25,and$100)
the contest: count how many "o"s in the below "wooo" correct count wins!


Messages In This Thread

Contest O the day grin
dang that was quick vbg
Next contest ill use 2 brain cells rofl
Thanks, Von! grin
Sorry contest over sad Andy got it in 2 mins
241 grin
I must have missed two or three vbg
vbg how ya been Rich!!
Not bad Von, ....
Re: Not bad Von, ....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg