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The Chip Board Archive 14

Yoopers Humor (ncr)


* One day it's warm, the rest of the year it's cold.

* People who have say "I have half a mind to go to the U.P." have all the right equipment.

* Nearly 30% of residents in Schoolcraft County in the U.P. are graduates of the sixth grade.

* If you fly a straight line from Sault Ste. Marie to Ironwood, you'll see a lot of trees.

* Dollar Bay in the U.P. was named after the annual salary in the area.

* The U.P. is the supplier of mosquitos to the free world.

* There are two seasons in the U.P. -- Swat and Shovel.

* People in the U.P. wear boots because they are in style - not because there is snow on the ground.

* Michigan's U.P. was never considered as a site for the state capital; however, it does have a town named Ralph.

And remember... "Say ya to da U.P., 'eh?"

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anybody need chips from upper mi
Re: anybody need chips from upper mi
Yoopers Humor (ncr)
Re: anybody need chips from upper mi
Re: anybody need chips from upper mi

Copyright 2022 David Spragg