I just finished my 5th straight day of chemotherapy. 9:00am - 4:00pm daily. Luckily I have not been experiencing any of the naseua normally associated with it. My body was extremely dehydrated when I started though. Of the huge bag of Saline Drip they gave me the first time, I only yeilded about 6oz of urine.
Right now my legs and thighs are retaining water, they are weak and swollen. So in addition to the various chemical drips I get they inject a solution of Lasix, which makes me go so frequently, I had to move my chemo-chair by the restroom.
I've also begun developing painfull fluid swelling in the groin area where the 30cm tumor was removed. So I'll now be getting a quick daily shot for that, till they teach me how to do it myself.
I still have some back, and stomack pain. Sometimes moderate, sometimes severe. They have taken me off of Percoset, and put me on Morphine. I take a 15mg extended release twice daily, plus 15mg ones for flare ups.
I don't have much of an appetite because of the mass that presses down on my abdomen and stomack, so I've been searching the web for High Protien, no Lactose power drink recipes. I can't stand that Ensure stuff.
I think the heavy chemo starts next week, but I'm not sure yet. I sure hope I can get over most of this by time, cuz I'm really looking forward to going.
All I can do is try my best, then as Emeril would say Kick it up another Notch!
Well, I'll keep ya posted and talk to ya'll soon. I gotta run, I feel a Morphine nap coming on (yawn).