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The Chip Board Archive 14

for sale Slot glass *ft

I have duplicates of the pictured slot glass. I would like to trade for other slot glass. I will also consider trades for chips or even cash. Email me if interested.

Messages In This Thread

for sale Slot glass *ft
How do people mount or display slot glass?
Re: How do people mount or display slot glass?
Re: Suggestion ...
Re: You're in luck - here are images
Here is one of my framed Playboy glass
Re: Here another of my framed Playboy glass
Re: Here's another framed Playboy glass
grin Framed...
Mine on a shelf on the wall (in routered indents)
Thank you all for the great ideas and photos!
Re: How do people mount or display slot glass?
Here's another way to frame slot glass....
Another frames slot glass example grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg