>>>I stated in an earlier thread that the $10,000 buy-in would be taxable income.
That's not all you said.
Here's a direct quote:
""The voucher or NCV chips used to advance into the larger tourney are not cash-exchangeable instruments and should be treated as being no different than making it to the next level of the tourney, not as taxable income.""
Here's another:
""your interpretation of tax law is just that, your interpretation""
You were all determined to tell me how wrong I was and how the others were right.. why don't you present these arguments to Mr. Perlowski and tell him he's wrong despite what the law says to the contrary?
Hmmmm.. I wonder. Why won't you?
>>>Perhaps you were too busy insulting people
Whoa there. It was not my intent to insult anyone and you first came after me rather than the other way around.
I wonder why?