>>>Let’s go back to the very first post in this thread
If you insist.
>>>A link was provided in response to Todd’s question
Here's where the problem begins....
>>>The list has nothing to do with the club …
Hallefrickinluiah... FINALLY.
New members should not be deceived into thinking that the slab free pledge is in any way part of the
>>>although hundreds of club members ....have supported the pledge list by voluntarily affixing their names.
and even more have not. Ya might want to ask yourself why. Just once.. give it a try.
>>>you have taken several people to task that you obviously dislike
Now see.. this simply isn't true at all. My wife and I don't agree on everything (imagine that) but it doesn't mean I don't like her. The presumption that questioning means that you don't like them or appreciate what they do is simply false.
>>>the indisputable FACT that slabbed chips are not permitted to be sold by dealers at the club convention
What is it called when a person is so intolerant of a view different from their own that those who possess that view are excluded or prohibited by force from expressing that view? The word escapes me.....
>>>when THEY are elected to office … then they can set the club policy.
This type of sit down and shut up stuff won't work Archie... I'm pretty stubborn.