I went to the post office and mailed off 22 chips...19 of them were metered at .39 cents..the other 3 were higher amonuts. When I got home I found Janes personal to me (Thank you Jane, very coooool chip)....her's was metered at .52 cents....it came in a smaller package than mine and I thought...wow Jane got screwed. But yesterday and today, I went with a load to a differant post office...and about half went for .52 cents the other .63 cents. Same mailers as I've been using. I asked her why the differance and she...held up this cardboard thing with a slot in it and said....Since they won't fit between this slot, I have to add a sur-charge. I thought, ok, whatever trips your trigger. But on the way home I was thinking about the handfull of times that I've been hit with a .13 cent or more postage due on some of the packages I've gotten. Now if anybody I sent a personal to on Monday the 6th gets hit with a .13 charge, please let me know and I'll make good on it and also so I get get on the girl at the post office I went to on Monday. She just cranked them out at .39 cents..thanks and I'm sorry if anyone has to pay to get the chip....not my intention at all.