You've certainly presented some very valid points and shown you know collecting well. I believe part of the fun of chipping actually is the difference of opinion on some individual chip values as well as the personalities that go into TCR and C/W. All these authors have every right to be proud of their work and each is more than willing to discuss their decisions with an eye to revision if warrented. Also Jim, you've overlooked a couple of other sources of chip evaluation.
After spending a several years collecting chips I found I had actually gained perhaps more insight to a couple of specific areas that the guides may lack. Of course, my interest only extended to a couple dozen chips that I found attractive while the guide authors brought their gift of chip values to thousands of the little beasties. In my case, I find it great fun to weigh both the guides and my own observations into my chipping decisions.
Other sources for chip evaluations? At the last convention I was lucky enough to to present chips to Wells, Campiglia, Myers and Wheelden for opinion. What a bunch of great folks for us to resource. And... don't forget Doug Saito who was on hand to help me out too. A factor Doug always takes into account is actual availability. Can you base a chip value on solely on population? Say there exists 200 of a particular example. Doug feels that it's possible that the chip is such a popular chip to collectors that perhaps only a very few examples may actually ever be for sale rather than locked into collections and that should be a factor in chip evaluation. Case in point, I've got a favorite chip that the guides give a hohum $40 value. Geez, I've only seen three good ones and four really bad ones in the last five years of shows and eBaying so yeah, I'm buying at my great pleasure what good ones I can find at $40 (or one every one and half years)! An illustration of my advantage of a narrow focus vs. the great scope faced by value guide authors. Part of the fun of this hobby is volitility also what with new finds happening from time to time, check the scan of for a couple of examples. Another chipper tracks online chip auctions which is another valid indicator of value. Finding fun in research, exploration and education is what makes this such a strong group of collectors.
Nothing wrong for wishing for a bible of prices but for me Jim, using what is available and then following my own heart is what I enjoy about this hobby.