Just wanted to make sure none of y'all are the scowling people behind me at the tropicana $5 tables (*sigh* I have to find a new place now...oh well) as I bet high during a hot streak (not that it would matter anyway, I rarely look past the end of the felt once I set down, and definately would never be swayed off my stool by scowls or other signs of indignant perturbation (if that's even legal in Nevada ;)
But nobody would tell you I'm a rude player (well, except the drunk guy that got mad last trip because disagreed with him when he complained to me that other newbies at the table were ruining his hands *LOL*)
Interesting thoughts about why bet $25...I know that it's really hard to make more than a few hundred a night sitting at a $5 table making $5 bets...But with my $300 weekend stake at risk, I usually start at the $5 table and rarely go higher. Just because I tend to stick at a lucky table, and most often I start at a $5 table.
Guess I need to get off my butt and start playing $25 tables. That makes me nervous *L* Oh well...you seldom get rewarded from staying in your comfort zone, eh?