What is classless is trying to provide false and misleading information (not by Mr. Hertel, who was upfront based on his knowledge and I thank him)
Mr. McKenzie is who I am upset with.
I suspect, anyone with any class or credibility, would not give bad information or would at the very least put a disclaimer saying that they did not know.
Clearly, Mr. Mckenzie's response to my post was meant to be misleading and I do not appreciate that.
It is not the first time this has happened to me on one of the Chip websites and I am just tired of people doing it to be malicious.
I sincerely doubt that it was an honest mistake. Because, If you look at his post he talks about a hub mold chip that was not even in question. If it was a mistake then He was careless in his providing information which is itself just as bad in my book.
I apologize to those who may have been ofended but not to Mr. McKenzie .