There are a number of people on the chipboard here making some very, very serious claims about your honor and integrity. As I have read these numerous claims, I see that all they are asking is that you make it right.
Now, please clear this up for me....why on earth don't you just deal with these people and make things right with them?
Why on earth would you subject yourself to this constant degradation in response to every single post you make??
Surely you can see that it's a very easy thing for you to do. So, do yourself, the people that have issues with you, and those of us that have to see this on the chipboard all of the time a big favor. CLEAR THIS UP!!!
I find it very disheartening to see these posts here on the board knowing that all of the newbies also see it. All of the people that are just starting to learn about trading. This is bad for you and bad for the hobby. So please....for everyone's sake: MAKE THESE ISSUES RIGHT!!! Be an honorable man, and take care of people that have these problems with you.