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The Chip Board Archive 14

I have seen this used as a strategy...

Sit out for the first hour (only losing blinds) to allow the wild people to thin out. Then come in to the game playing real tight to look for a hand to allow catch up.

Actually, without purposely coming late, that is what happened with Ron (Mobile Geek). He worked late (so he said), came into the game at about an hour in. Very first hand was winner to him and he was suddenly back up to the starting amount. I noted this so much because I lost the hand to him!

But I got back. He took 5th and I got 4th.

See you next week Nate.


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TheChipBoard Road To The World Series #13 Winner!
Very good game Harry!
Congrats, Harry!
I'm registered for next week.
I have seen this used as a strategy...
Re: I have seen this used as a strategy...
I played in a satellite tourney yesterday
Hey who was...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg