members only. These are the last two $100 chips I will have for a while.
The picture on the chip depicts the NYC stock exchange. The chips were made for a "cruise to nowhere" venture that was to sail from NYC. The license was never granted.
Chip is manufactured on the famous Top Hat & Cane mold and contains all the anti-counterfeiting measures Paulson / GPI uses in the manufacturing process for all the major casinos. These measures contain ultraviolet markings, alpha dot (which with a 30x magnifier reads nine lines of the Paulson name), and metal fleck. Paulson no longer manufactures for sale to the public the Top Hat & Cane mold (only casino customers). The chip measures 39mm. It is a really nice chip.
Cost is $5 which includes S&H in a bubble mailer. Paypal to my email address, money order or personal check is "OK".
The first two members who link their chip request to this post get a chip. One of my newer personal chips will be included (if requested). I will email the winners directly. Thanks.