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The Chip Board Archive 14

for sale Entire Roulette Chip Collection for sale

In case anyone is wondering...No I'm not giving up on Chip Collecting vbg just narrowing down to House Chips, LE's, etc. from Nevada & Atlantic City.

I have 290 Roulette Chips that I'd like to sell as one lot; however, I will break it down as shown below. These chips are *Slightly Used* junk. It's been years since I stopped collecting Roulettes, so I'm sure a lot of these chips are Obsolete. There are very few duplicates. Scans are available upon request. I will consider serious offers. I'll accept a Personal Check { from fellow members }, PayPal { Credit Card okay } or a M.O.

Break down into:

Atlantic City:
50 Chips....$120 plus actual shipping & insurance { if desired }

128 Chips { includes a complete set of OBS Palms LV Table 1 }....$320 plus actual shipping & insurance { if desired }

Miscellaneous { includes a lot from Mississippi }:
112 Chips { includes 11 Ella Star Table 1...some duplicates / 11 Ella Star Table 2...some duplicates }...$250 plus actual shipping & insurance { if desired }.


All 290 chips...$660 in this case, I will pay shipping; however, insurance is available at exact cost.

Once again I will consider serious offers.


Copyright 2022 David Spragg