Don't forget, Rich, the first box of these sold for $3,100. I believe Charles held his $90 price on this chip. I know that after the box was sold, none of these chips have sold on eBay for less than $99.
He would have had to sell roughly 1/3 of the box to come out on the deal. I don't know what the collecting universe is for $90 small-town chips. It is possible that Charles sold them all. The buyer of this lot needs to think about a price point and what portion of them he will need to sell to come out. He will also need to figure in his potential buying universe and use the assumption that either the first box has been sold or that Charles will come down to his price point and offer them for sale as well.
I agree with David and still like the idea of this being a $100 chip. The market price, however, might take a short-term beating while this buyer recoups his cost or holds it at a lower price point. This happens all the time as dealers dump a particular chip into the marketplace. It might turn out to be a great opportunity for the collecting community to get a great deal on a temporarily underpriced chip.