I probably have five digital cameras, last count and one old flatbed. The scanner makes the best chip pictures.
You can get a nice Canon A400 3.2 mp for snapshots for about $129 (maybe $99) or A410. HP M22 same range. For $300 you'll get a better styling and probably smaller camera.
But in no case will a camera be as easy to use, have good lighting, or as good as a nice flatbed.
Only thing I'd like to have is a small flatbed, like 5 x 7 max size, so I could have a travel scanner for the laptop.
If you decide to use a camera you need a stand that will hold the camera perfectly parallel to the table, and 2 lights at 45 degrees from above, spread about 100-110 degrees, from the back would be minimum.
A light ring would work best, shooting through the center.