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The Chip Board Archive 14

Jackpot would have to PAY ME to use it WINNER

Congratulations to John Reynolds who wins a free set of Hooters roulettes and $20 cash for being,

"The first person with the initials JR with a email address who wins a set on Jackpot Auctions gets the set free plus $20 cash."

Will be in the mail Tuesday.

Messages In This Thread

Jackpot would have to PAY ME to use it WINNER
Good One, Norm!!
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
ANyone else wanna give me FREE Stuff?? Tyrus??Arch
Why would I want to do that John??
Nope! vbg
Who's site do I bash to get free stuff? vbg
Re: Who's site do I bash to get free stuff? vbg
JackPot Auctions
Re: JackPot Auctions
Re: JackPot Auctions
Re: JackPot Auctions
See new thread
Why Here?
Norm. Who won the Jack$hit Auctions competition?
Re: Norm. Who won the Jack$hit Auctions competitio

Copyright 2022 David Spragg