Hey Skip...No little piece of coloured clay with a casino name and logo is worth $1700 most would say, but I just bid that a few minutes ago.
I should have stuck with the buffet.
It's all for what you are willing to spend on what it is you desire.
In about three weeks I will be spening whatever the going price is on the Bellagio buffet and loving it. About an hour later they will be carrying me out as I will be unable to walk on my own.
Come on down at the end of the month Skip and the Belagio buffet is on me. Now how's that? A free top rated buffet and you don't have to pay.
No joke kid..get your butt out there so I can buy you dinner. *
Hope to see you there.
* This offer is not valid with anyone not having the name "Skip". Not valid with any other offers I have ever made on this BB. Also not valid if you now or ever have liked the Steelers!
Offer only good February 28th thru March 3rd 2006