I am a professional or business...
Someone files suit against me (for whatever reason) and I turn it over to my insurance carrier.
My insurance carrier notifies me that they are going to offer to settle for the $10,000 deductible (doesn't cost them anything). If I accept, it costs me $10,000. If I decline, I have to pay an attorney much more than $10,000 and take my chances in court without any insurance.
Even if I decide to go to court on principle and win, I can't usually recover my costs. The only way I can win is if the attorney refuses to settle and takes on the insurance company in court (fat chance) and the insurance company wins the case.
In addition, if the insurance company is forced (or agrees) to settle for $1 more than my deductible, I will probably lose my liability coverage.
Isn't this just a wonderful system. Ahhh.. but we don't need any reform .. now do we.