Saw the episode for sure, very very interesting. Can't find the photos I have of me and a codriver out in Alberta in Dec. for the umpty-umpt time, got so's I could find my way around Calgary hazmat routes w/o a map. Farthest north I ever got was to pick up a load of LOX at Ft. Saskatchewan and why is that in Alberta anyway?? Where Celcius and Ferenhight collide, -20 degrees. Hosers in Edmonton in tennies and no hats.
Early on in my trips to Alberta, the locals told about how the oil fields were just sitting out there on the prairie capped and waiting. I'd remind folks of the team names up there, Edmonton Oilers and Calgary Flames. So yeah, I was interested in that "60 Minutes" show... first one I watched since Bill and Hillary lied about Gennifer Flowers and made me a registered Republican by the end of business Monday next!
Thanks for the photos and info and reminder of memorable travels.