tonyv15220, you gave such skimpy facts on this, that it is impossible to give an answer. You got good advice here about waiting -- it can take 2-3 weeks for mail to arrive.
Let me take the opportunity here to give some good advice/facts on the matter. Legally and practically, I think it is the seller's responsibility to get the goods to you, even if insurance is "optional" and the buyer declines it. ... ... .... (As an ethical matter, though, I think it is wrong for such a buyer --who declines optional insurance-- to cry "foul" if the item is subsequently lost in the mail.)
For those interested in the subject, there are interesting threads on eBay forums/discussion boards, like this one:
Here is a typical post:
" The ONLY "insurance" a buyer needs on eBay is their credit card. Credit cards do not put up with seller nonsense ["optional" terms in the auction description]. ..... ......... Only use a CREDIT CARD on the Internet.
"Generally, you do not need to buy optional shipping insurance. It's the shipper's responsibility to make sure your package arrives safely.""