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The Chip Board Archive 14

What are those plaques I showed made of?

The bright grey edges of the "cyber plaques" are made of hard plastic. The plaques have large, clear plastic pieces over the "inlays" in the center. I think these clear plastic pieces would be a problem if used for a long time.....

Messages In This Thread

MGM $1000 plaque mentioned in post below
Maybe there are two styles available now
I have seen those, and sold some in the past.....
Re: Maybe there are two styles available now
Re: Maybe there are two styles available now
What are those plaques I showed made of?
As far as what Mathew said...
Re: As far as what Mathew said...
Re: As far as what Mathew said...
Re: As far as what Mathew said...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg