Don't you dare think you can go and change the picture on your auction, and then tell everyone that all of the pictures were yours the whole time. Don't you dare try to make me out to be the liar here. Your trails are everywhere. The eBay auction shows that the item was just revised, and that the picture was changed. How dare you come back and act like it was fine the whole time. I saw the scan you had, and I know the site you got it from. Everyone that saw the auction when I made the post saw the very same thing. Here's the scan you had posted on your auction.
What you failed to realize is that the eBay auctions show when a seller makes a revision. It also shows what kind of revision was made !!
Here's the ebay log of your activity revising your auction.
The seller has revised the following item information:
Date: Jan-25-06
Time: 10:59:43 PST
Revised Information: Gallery PictureURL: Pictures Added/Deleted
Funny how I made my post at 11:51 Central time, and you made your auction revision deleting and adding a picture at 10:59 Pacific time. Funny how it was just 8 minutes later!!! Don't you dare tell me it was "different lighting". You little freaking weasel!! Lighting doesn't put Larry's watermark on your scan !!