Shoot! Wanted to see what picture you had for Johnnies Club but it isn't showing. Hope you don't mind if I stick some of my junk in here. At top is me parked in front of Johnnie's before that excellent article on Wells by the Kaplan's appeared in the summer '04 issue of the club mag. Pretty spooky and deserted on Front St. back in 2003. Returned last summer and was nonplussed to find the street uh, "fixed up".
Here's Johnnie's renamed from '03's Wells Bowl to the Eagle Club. They took down the Bowling sign (where the clock was right twice a day!) and took off the plywood so's you could peek through the "portholes" and scope out the interior of the joint. Awful thoughty of the Wells vandals to provide such an opportunity.
BTW, was poking around out in back of the San Marin and found this great big watermelon growing there.
Great site for those interested in Wells and it's gaming heritage is located at: