...."My refusal to abide by a boycott of Vic, in fact, appears to be what's at issue here. My response; it's America, and I can deal with whomever I wish." .... Keith "Lite"
I've not read of any "boycott" of Vic. All I've read is what a few people who have allegedly goten screwed have posted and no denials have been forthcoming from the accused.
You're right... "this is America" and people can deal with whomever they wish ... and with that thought in mind, many folks have taken heed of the warnings posted and have decided they would rather not deal with Vic.
You have reported on your one successful transaction with Vic. Good; I'm happy for you. That one transaction does not wipe the slate clean as far as I'm concerned. Taking care of past business is the only thing that will make things right.