When slabbed chips have appeared, I and others have asked questions of the seller as to whether the chip could be removed without damage. Some say yes, some say no, some say it could even be swapped.
We thought that a few of the companies (including your friends at ACCGS) were using some form of snap-shut case sealed with a label etc (ie almost 'home made'). When I started looking at reputable (I assume) coin dealers sites I saw there were valuable items being sold in these same slabs.
The ACCGS seller told several people that the chip must have been slabbed crooked as an item in an ACCGS slab cannot move.
You probably recall in July that IGS sent a letter and sample slab to all NV casinos. Gene posted a pic on this board. As he happened to make that post while I was on the airplane over he brought it back to the office to show me the next day. He then took it back home to do me a bigger scan. The chip is in a different position in the two scans.
Although I just kicked this project off, its something weve debated for some time.