>>>You may think national health care is a stupid idea
I don't just think it, it actually is.
>>>but what we have today is just as stupid
While "less than perfect", we still have the best health care system in the world. That's a fact.
>>>Maybe you think that senior citizens going to Canada to buy the same drugs they can't afford in the U.S. is stupid
When did anyone promise anyone free or inexpensive drugs? Why do folks like you always look to the government to provide for you? If Canada is so great... MOVE.
>>>maybe you think that millions of americans are without healthcare because they can't afford it
So I should provide it for them?? Sorry. That's what NON PROFIT hospitals and care centers are supposed to do.
>>>nonsense, maybe you think that providing healthcare to illegal aliens is OK
No, that would be a liberal idea that you are supposed to support along with providing better and totally free healthcare to prison inmates (including cosmetic surgery, psychiatric help, corrective dental, etc).
>>>maybe you think Corporations changing or doing away with healthcare for retirees is OK.
I certainly do, especially if it is some union bs.
>>>if you think sweeping changes are not needed in our healthcare coverage and costs then you need to do more research.
I certainly think that changes are needed but those changes need to be innovative and constructive ideas rather than more wasteful government programs proposed by some feminist attorney from Arkansas whos only background qualification was being married to a politician.
>>>Hillary was prevented from trying to bring some control to healthcare because she was not an elected bureaucrat.
Hogwash. When her "task force" plan was presented it was so complex and ludicrous that even her husband (you know - the President) didn't support it and instead backed an alternative plan.
>>>Further she was up against all those who are profiting from the mess we have now.
Complete hogwash. The biggest problem with her plan was that she specifically excluded from the process, all health care organizations, medical profeesionals, business, etc. It was her arrogance and ignorance that caused her failure more than any other single factor.
>>>it is a complex issue, but one thing is for sure, leaving it as it is does not benefit a single citizen.
Nobody said leave it as it is. Along with Social Security, it is the elephant in the room everyone wants to pretend they don't see. Everyone is for reform but real reform is tough. What you want is the government to simply take care of you (cradle to grave) ... awww geeee...
What is really needed is a clear focus on the actual problems rather than simply looking for yet another government tax and spend program that will ultimately make things much worse.
>>>I remember the issues well, do you?
I am tasked by the fact that as an intelligent being, I actually do.