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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: Collections loose value...are you kidding!

"Take, for instance, every Nevada chip now being collected. It will have no value"

Chips do not have to be destroyed in NV.

Most of us are collectors not speculaters. You won't find much help here.

Messages In This Thread

Collections loose value...are you kidding!
We did all this once today!!
Re: Collections loose value...are you kidding!
Re: Collections loose value...are you kidding!
Re: Collections loose value...are you kidding!
Mark are you kidding? You are talking to someone
Re: Mark are you kidding? You are talking to someo
Nevada Regulation
Re: Nevada Regulation
GEEZ. Lord luvaduck grin
Re: GEEZ. Lord luvaduck grin
Re: And They Sold Them On TV
I think they even made it to my corner store grin
I also seem to remember there being one or two
But on a point of accuracy....
** Regulation 12 Link **

Copyright 2022 David Spragg