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The Chip Board Archive 14

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You are completely right. My comment was uncalled for and particularly since 1) it didn't need to be made, 2) I didn't know the seller, and 3) I too sit back and wonder as I watch people post scathing comments about others on this ChatBoard.

I've got no idea why I made that post other than to be funny but I did so at someone else's expense. I wouldn't want to be treated that way myself and thank you for calling me on it.

I've sent an apology to the lady through that auction. I regret having made this mistake.


Messages In This Thread

Look what this chip is selling for.
He's a "Member of SquareTrade.
Re: He's a "Member of SquareTrade.
Re: He's a "Member of SquareTrade.
My mistake, I intended no harm just making a joke,
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Thanks, Mike! grin
She's a standup gal!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg