I recently came across these at Sam's Club
The unit has eight drawers of 4 different colors (2 of each blue,orange,purple & green)to possibly color sort by ????
Each Drawer will hold
720 loose chips
320 2.5" cardboard holders
260 chips in airtights with rings
??? chips in direct fit airtights, flips
The drawer units come apart individually and can be snapped back together so you can customise how high/wide you want to go.
I bought 3 x 8 drawer units and created 2 x 12 drawer units to fit the space I had available.
4 x 6 drawer would have been better because of the weight of a drawer with 720 loose chips is a bit too heavy but manageable
I have seen these units at Home Depot, Target, etc but Sam's had the best price, $21.??.
I went to Office Depot and bought a sheet of 1/4" foam board (buy the good stuff for rigidity) and cut 1.5" high dividers to separate the rows (1.5" height makes it easier to get the cardboard holders/airtights out).
I also bought 6 sets of colored A thru Z PLASTIC index cards at Office Depot and cut them to a little less than the width of a 2.5" holder to accomodate the 2.5" cardboard holders
Altogether I have less than $30 per 8 drawer unit invested to hold up to 5700 chips.
These 24 drawers now hold 8000 chips and supplies.
Also,the see thru plastic drawers enable you to see what inside
Works great for me