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The Chip Board Archive 14

Bellagio 'Oceans 11' Movie props

I was just updating the fakes page entry for these chips to add the diamond molds. I thought I would point out that the diamond mold chips (in 4 denoms only) were used for the single (blackjack?) scene. These have inlays both sides (necessary as the chips went 'flying' grin ).
The dragon mold chips were used in all other scenes including the vault. Only the top and bottom chip in each stack in the vault had inlays, and these are on one side only. Therefore only about 100 full sets of the dragon molds exist, with apparently 'extras' of the $50.
The diamond molds are much scarcer, seems only about 20 sets got out, some in frames. I have seen fakes of these also. Terry Lazarus had the genuine chips if anyone is interested.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg