The auction was deliberately misleading, its not like their isn't a history here. The fact that the Aution title only refered to the Key West chips is not that compelling. Auction Titles are limited in size and its fairly common for an Ebay auction title to not mention every item included in an auction.
By the way the ad also says "They are the exact same chips being used in real casinos. " Do you think this is not deceptive? Now Josh's defense will be that he is satying that real casinos use the H mold chip. But the point is that he is deliberately deceptive in his choiuce of language and a new collector could easily believe that this means the "Key West" chip is in use in a casino. You or I don't get fooled, but Josh is fishing for different sort of catch.
Again I don't think that this is worth a lawsuit, Jim certainly knew what was going on.