It looks to be fading a bit to me. Texas Holdem which seems perfect for the comercial market (get more people at the table and faster hands for more rake per hour)is mostly what the TV and other media push. Personaly I would rather play %draw or 7 Stud. I used to play a lot of 5 draw high/low split at a cardroom in Sacramento CA. They charged whatever the minimum bet was every 1/2 hour to be able to sit at the table. I now live in Lancaster, CA and there is a cardroom just a few miles from my home (Diamond Jim's Rosamond, CA). They are REALY pushy to move fast. They put in aouto shufelers at each table so they do not pause for a shuffel. They slap the old deck in , pull the new deck out and start dealing. As soon as the cards hit the table the dealers are badgering you to bet or fold. Now I do not know about most of you but I like to pick my cards up and look at them before I bet. I do realize that the "rake per hour" is what keeps them afloat but they need to calm it down a bit. I do not play there often because of the push for speed and if I do play and get a realy pushy dealer I leave the table. It was a lot more fun in my college days when the guys would get together for a 'dealers choice" pker game.