I will be heading out to Chicago tomorrow evening to spend a week with my Mom. Since she has no computer, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everybody on the 'Board a very safe and happy holiday season! And while I'm at it, I also just want to say THANK YOU again to all of you--especially those this past year who sent chips (and other things) to me out of the blue, un-asked for. Those who refused to take money from me for certain items. Those who I have come to know personally from this board and can truly call my friends. Those who sent well-wishes when I was down, and who berate me for being a whiner (lol!!!)--you know who you are, and you guys are the BEST. You are what crank this hobby up a notch--some of the best folks I have ever known! Me (and my frog) toast to all of you!! Happy Holidays!!