It is that time again to start figuring out how to raise money for the Building Fund. Last year we raised over $4300 collecting and raffling off roulettes. All my goals were reached and passed. The biggest problem I ran into was many collectors didn’t have roulettes to donate. This raffle is more inclusive. I am looking to collect;
2006 - $1 chips
2006 - $5 chips
2006 – room keys
2006 – slot cards
The drawing will be on Friday during the convention. Raffles will be sold prior to and at the convention. This year I will add some incentives for early raffle buyers. I am looking to raise between $7500 and $10,000 – Remember it is for a good cause.
I will start by donating, 10 each of the items above.
The official flier will be done over the holiday week and put up on the Club’s site.
If you can't wait to donate, please send the items to
Neal Silverman
c/o Chip-Tech, Ltd.
175 Central Avenue
Farmingdale NY 11735