Thank you to the following who were kind enough to trade personal chips. These are the chips I've received since my last post, listed in alphabetical order:
Norm Botoshe
Kenny Francis (3)
Bob Heistand
Ron Lammer
Chris Sevick
David Spragg (3)
Gene Trimble
Received previously:
Russell Bailey
Roy Baldwin
Steve Bedo
Dick Bartley
Ed Bigley
Jerry Birl
Archie Black
Greg Bryson
Brian Cashman
Mark Chipman
Wayne Delia
Michael Downey
David Feavel
Richard Fellman (2)
Jim Follis
Jim Forsman (2)
Kenny Francis (2)
Irwin Gross
Barry Hauptman (2)
Kent Hedberg
Fred Hempel
David Hench
Mike Heron
Pam Holmgren
Andy Hughes (2)
Richard Jahn
Fred Lamb
Travis Lewin
Gail Liscio
Paul Liscio
Charles Mades
Debby Meister
Tom Mgerack (3)
Thomas Miller
Marty Mitchell
David Moore
Allan Myers
Ralph Myers
Larry Noble
Steve Palumbo
Mike Pasternak (2)
Ricky Pushkin
Mike Quinlivan
Joe Rabito (Direct Order Center)
John Reynolds
Damon Roberts
C.T. Rodgers
Bill Romano
Dwain Ryan
Victor Salnicky (4)
Jay Sands
Mike Schlotterbeck
James Selig
Max Sell
Marc Shapiro
Dennis Shoop
Doug Smith
Katie Smith
Chuck Smorse
David Spragg (2)
Ellen Springer-Amison
Scott Stamp
Bob Strausbaugh
Greg Susong (3)
Gene Trimble (3)
Jane Voller
Lin Weisensten
Carol & David Wendleton
Clint Witherspoon
If you sent me a chip and your name isn't listed above, please let me know.
Anyone who wishes to trade personal chips, please send me an email.