You state "it confuses use of drugs with abuse of drugs." If you "use" drugs at the very least you "abuse" being a responsible citizen because you are showing contempt for the law.
Your argument leads to a circular argument. Ultimately what you are saying here is that drugs should be illegal because they are illegal.
My point is that if I come home from work tonight and decide to have a beer who is it hurting? What if instead of a beer I smoke some pot? What if instead of some pot I take some cocaine? Meth? LSD? Heroin? Who is it hurting?
As far as comparing drugs to overeating. when was the last time you heard of someone robbing Wendy's simply to get a hamburger? Let's not compare apples to oranges.
You are confusing the effects of drugs with the effects of drug prohibition. Drug prohibition drives the price of drugs up which means it is harder for people to afford them. In addition the lack of legal status denies people the opportunity to obtain their drugs through other means, you can go to McDonalds and use a credit card to buy a hamburger. I doubt there are too many crack dealers with a credit card machine, but they might be willing to accept a stolen credit card as payment.
If hamburgers were illegal you could very well expect many of the same problems as we have with drugs. The McDonald's Gang would be fueding wth the Burger Kings to control the underground burger supply. Burger prices would skyrocket, quality would be suspect, and people who wanted a hamburger would have to deal with criminals to get them.