As much as I enjoy an occassional drink, it wouldn't bother me to see alcohol illegalized if only to reduce the effects of it's abuse. That's not going to happen any time soon. Concerning the use of illicet drugs, I can say from first hand knowledge they are what they need to be, illeagle. If there were a way to cease their existance entirely, I'd be for it. I agree with Jim. To think that there is a positive effect or no effect from their use or misuse is just stupid. It would appear that some folks feel that time spent seeing the effects of drug use give them the knowledge needed to accuratly assess wether drugs should be legal. In my humble opinion, if you haven't lived the lifestyle, you shouldn't offer a limited opinion. There is no such thing as no effect from drug use. I have yet to have experienced a truly positive effect from drug use. In the long or short run, the only effects from drug use are negative. Who in their right mind would want to send a message to our future generations that drug use is acceptable??? Freedom to choose?? We have that, but if my son ever somkes a joint or does a line or takes a hit, I hope a fellow like Von is there to do his job and arrest him.