Stu, take a deep breath. I didn't say we should or shouldn't help a drug addict, I simply pointed out that those that think we are helping them by putting them in jail are mistaken. We are punishing them.
I am a DUI=Jail person. Mandatory jail time for persons who drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They put innocent persons at risk.
But do we want to punish persons for behavior that harms only themselves. Yes, if a person is high or drunk and does something to somebody else, they should pay the price. But if their only crime is getting high, then should that be illegal? It is a interesting topic.
If getting high should be illegal, then what about eating excessively (I'm a very big person, and I am responsible for the consequences I now suffer as a result) A person who smokes crack is gonna die, that is a consequence of their action.
This is different than what a person does to adversely effect another person (ie victims). I am unaware of my poor choices harming another (in a legal sense).
Finally, the level of incarceration we have is one of the main reasons cited for that generation being the first to not surpass their parents economically, to be passed worldwide academically, and to result in an exporting of non-menial jobs overseas.