Mike, I think you're right on the mark here. Unfortunately, many others won't see it that way.
It really comes down to simple math and an idea of savings.
They are right in saying put in the bid you are willing to pay. Would you like to get it for less?? Of course you would.
Lets play out this scenario:
It's New Years Eve and everyone is distracted with things more important then ebay chips.
For the sake of argument we'll say you are willing to pay as much as $100.00. Thats your top price.
Opening bid is at $19.99. You wouldn't expect to have it sell for this since you guess this particular chip is worth $125.00.
The bid is at $50.00 and the shill takes it up to $90.00. Yes go the chip and you were willing to pay the amount with no problem as well. (now comes the big "HOWEVER"
HOWEVER, you would have gotten the chip for $50.00 if the shill bidder wasnt there. Hence, you paid more then you would have if he wasn't there.
So, I agree with you 100 percent.