My apologies for the delay to all that showed interest a while back in trading personal chips with me. Life has FINALLY slowed down a bit and I can catch up on chipping. Below is the list that emailed me with interest. I will be sending my chip out in the next two days to you. If you would like to trade for my chip and are not listed below, or I have you listed as needing your address, pls email me. Thanks again and I look forward to adding your chip to my collection as well.
Andy Hughes
Mark Chipman
Kenny Francis (need address)
Phyllis (need address)
Ron Lammer
Marc Shapira
Steven Palumbo
Max Sell
Barry Hauptman
Douglas Smith
Russell Bailey
Rich R6361 (need address)
Steve Bedo (need address)
Paul Liscio
Mike Heron
Victor Salnicky
Chuck Smorse
David Spragg
Stu Lovett
Dick Bartley (need address)
Gene Tremble
Fred Hempel
Max Sell
Allan Myers
Ralph Meyers
Fred Centanni (need address)