Mission Bar: We have an old linen postcard that shows the Mission Bar, across Fremont Street from the Apache. The card is postmarked 1940. Another postcard shows the Kiva Bar in that location...it's not dated, but the Pioneer Club is down the street, without Vic, so it's 1942-1950 I think. Couldn't find a listing for the Mission Bar in our 1944, 1945 or 1950-52 phone books.
We have an old glass swizzle stick from the Mission Bar. Interesting that your matchbook says the Mission Bar is the "Gateway to Boulder Dam"...another old glass swizzle that we have is from Al's Bar at 111 (N.?) First Street, and it says it's the "Gateway to Boulder Dam".
(The other glass swizzle that came in the lot is from the Apache Bar.) (
One of these days I gotta get a card reader for the webtv so I can put pictures up