I've been collecting for about two years now.
I like to think that I am no longer a 'newbie'.
A few weeks ago, due to my own error in not properly researching what I was buying, I bought several 'fantasy chips' that were not properly identified by the seller.
It leaves a bad taste when you realize that you have wasted money on garbage that should properly have been labeled as 'fantasy' chips.
If I had invested a few minutes in research I cold have avoided the error, but I still feel that I should not have to 'protect myself' against a CC>CC member selling on this site.
I cannot imagine how badly this kind of frustrating 'error' would damage the enthusiasum of a real newbie.
It is not enough that sellers do not actively misrepresent their items. They should also avoid 'lying by omission', not mentioning that the chips are 'fantasy' items, and allowing buyers to purchase the junk through error or ignorance.